+2 votes
by (5,523 points)
I was wondering what triggers Mawhawk's respawn? Is it based on a set timer? Is it completely random? Or is there more to it?

Approximately how long does it take him to respawn usually?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (1,452 points)
selected by
Best answer

There isn't a certain time of the spawn the Mawhawk can take 5 mins to respawn to 2h, it is completaly random.

by (5,523 points)
That's what I thought but was hoping there was more to it. I'll wait to see if anyone else has further info before I accept!
by (1,452 points)
i tried my best to find a source to support my answer but seems like its only known as common knowledge coudnt find anything on any trusted source of information
+2 votes
by (4,162 points)

I am on Roshamuul quite often, I have noticed that Mawhawk appears at irregular intervals. Sometimes after 10 minutes, sometimes even after 240 minutes. Tibiawikiabr  I used to try to kill monsters, do tasks because I thought it had some effect on his respawn, but in my observations it doesn't. Despite the tasks performed, the boss appeared even after a long time.
