+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
Apparently if you are not quick enough to kill Fugue he will despawn. I was wondering if anyone knew what the amount of time is for this to happen?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (142 points)
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He always appear for 30 minutes - Fugue spawns with the nightfall at 00:45 and disappears at the dawn - 00:15. Please correct me if I'm wrong or something changed - a year ago we had such situation with my friend while I was waiting for him to come and help me.
by (5,523 points)
Do you have any source that shows he will remain for the full 30 minutes if not killed?
by (142 points)
I'm sorry,  most of my answers are from yesterday and it was my first day here - didn't know that I should update answer after posting any additional info in the comments, thought it's just a form of discussion on the answer not obligating to edit it.
About the source of information - sadly I don't have any evidence that I can show you, I'm basing on my own and my friend's experience. We didn't manage to get both there at the time while doing my quest and Fugue disappeared.
Updating the answer tho, sorry for the inconvenience.
by (5,318 points)
It is ok^^ Pre-warning is pre-warning- it gives you a chance, so you can always improve;-) Please try to always add source if you taking it from somewhere, or add information that it  is from your own experience. If you can add some photos etc as a proof or evidence- it is even better. More content in the answer and less comments  is always better for anyone who is reading it. Also, please do not assume or " I think it is..." as this is will not be an actual answer. Welcome to TibiaQa and have fun!