+1 vote
by (5,318 points)
Most of the information of the character is visible during the action, however, what is it there which I should be careful about?

For example- I heard I need to pay extra attention when I am buying characters from Rookgaard. Also, Hirling Jobs which are not visible or some quests rewards which might be not available (see links below). What else I should pay attention to?



1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,208 points)
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  • If you're gonna buy a character on the bazaar you should be cautious of the transfer status, as it could mean you have to pay extra for a transfer.
  • Also, you should be cautious if the character has some training weapons on the inventory, as the bazaar doesn't show how many charges it have and we all know now some training weapons are pricy, so you could have someone to put several weapons with only one charge on the inventory and make it seem like it has several charges.

Those are the two that come up to mind now, I might update this later on.
