+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Can you please show me all the locations where I can find a lion corpse that won't decay? My homes are in Venore, but I'm curious to know all cities where it's possible to obtain.
by (142 points)
I think that Darama dragon lairs and djinn towers may be worth checking, also Jakundaf Desert. I'm pretty sure that I've seen it somewhere, but no idea where.
by (435 points)
Shawtay, I've seen this a while ago but couldn't find any new corpse, just rotten. As I know your houses are at Venore, there's one at Jakundaf Desert that you can drag, much closer than Darashia.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,318 points)
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Best answer

I found it only in Werehyaena's cave, next to Darashia. On floor -3, South cave. To get there, you have to go to -4, walk to south and rope yourself up. You will find 6 Lion corpses there:

Screenshot of location on the map- Used https://tibiamaps.io/
