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by (17,425 points)
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If I use the authenticator app and I want to use it on two different devices in case I lose one of my devices, is this possible? I know you have an option to pick in between the email or the app. However, I am just curious about the authenticator app. I did some research on Tibia's website, but it's not listed under Linking an Authenticator to an Account.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (65 points)

According to my technical knowledge of how two-step authentication works and my personal experience. It's possible, but the authenticator app you use must include this feature.

For example, "Authy" (the best one IMO) comes with this feature and it's pretty easy to setup.

Enabling Multi-Device

Accessing Authy 2FA from a second device takes just a few moments to set up. Just follow this step-by-step guide.

  1. Open the Authy app on your primary device. Tap on “Settings” (the gear icon at top right).
  2. Tap “Devices.”
  3. Turn on “Allow Multi-device.”
  4. Now, on your second device, install Authy. 
  5. Once installed, open the Authy app. When prompted, enter the phone number of your primary device.
  6. A popup will appear reading “Get Account Verification Via.” Tap “Use Existing Device.”
  7. Go back to your primary device now. A notification will ask you to verify the addition of the new device. Tap “Accept.”
  8. When prompted to approve this decision, type “OK” in the entry field.
  9. Return to “Settings” on your primary device and tap “Devices” again.
  10. You will now see two “trusted” devices connected to any current (and future) two-factor services you enable with Authy.

New Phone? Lost Phone? Our Multi-Device Feature Keeps You 2FA-Ready! @ Authy.com

2FA activated in multiple devices.

My primary device (authy) is the iphone (left one) because is the one I keep as backup so I can disable all the other devices I register on my authy account from there in case they get lost or stolen.


+1 vote
by (2,426 points)
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Best answer
This is possible even without account and sharing settings such as Authy's, for example using Google's Authenticator.

To add the account to two devices, all you have to do is add them at the same time. So you have to follow the usual method of adding an authenticator and when the time comes to read the QR code on the app you read it using both devices at the same time. When you do that you'll have the authenticator working on both devices and they don't have to be linked to each other in any way.