There are plenty of aspects for this, first of all is Rejana who's in charge to determine whether a fansite is eligible for a reinsertion on the programme or not. Of course, my guessing is their exit must have been nothing related to breaking any rule in a matter where a comeback is not possible. Nonetheless they must submit to the testing phase again, there has also been situations where an official fansite is tested after encountering issues or just going under investigation (happened to not so long ago), so they get removed from the official list on the website, which doesn't mean they lost their officiality, they just enter on some sort of trial in which CIP is gonna determine if they can keep their position or they're gonna be removed, afterwards they can be removed from the fansite programme and announced on the website or they can keep their position and get back to the fansite list section of So yes, I think its possible for a fansite to come back to the programme only by starting over and if the reasons of the exit wasn't related to breaking any major rule, it depends on how Rejana would determine this matters and every situation might be unique.