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by (5,523 points)
A Fire Bug has several other uses besides just burning sugar cane. For example, it can be used to burn Spider Webs blocking your path in a cave. Also, it is used during some quests.

I was wondering what are all uses of a Fire Bug?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,274 points)

 It can be sold in the market, it is used to burn cane fields before harvest to make cachaça, it also serves to destroy cobwebs.

According to the Tibia fandom, this item is also used in Meriana Quest, Dreamer's Challenge Quest, Treasure Hunt Quest, Machinery of War Quest, Tower Defense Quest, Secret Service Quest (for TBI), Blood Brothers Quest Kissing a Pig Quest.

"TIBIA FANDOM NOTE: Sometimes it explodes during use, causing 5 damage to the user and being destroyed in the process. It also provides 3 squares of permanent yellow light and can illuminate Empty Coal Basins. In addition, when you use it successfully, it will not necessarily disappear. Therefore, it is possible to use the same fire bug several times. Also, it doesn't seem to be able to explode during missions (like Machinery of War Quest)."

Fire Bug | TibiaWiki | Fandom

+1 vote
by (5,318 points)
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Best answer

Fire Bug, apart of burning sugar cane, is used in following Quests:

Meriana Quest- Used on catapult

Machinery of War Quest- Used on the Ballistaes and Catapults 

Dreamer's Challenge Quest- On a field to get teleport

Blood Brothers Quest- used on Twines to get teleported to Boreth's Room

Treasure Hunt Quest- Used on Very Old Piece of Paper to become  Old Encrypted Text

Tower Defence Quest- Used on the Goblins Bed 

Secret Service Quest (TBI)- Used on the tile next to the wood to set the shipyard on fire

Kissing a Pig Quest - using on Coal Basin to lighten up

* sourced from TibiaWiki 1

I also found following quest where you need it:

Ferumbras Ascension Quest- Pumin Seal - lighting up the Basins

On Spider Webs (can be replaced with the melee weapon) - in An Interest in Botany Quest, Crusader Helmet Quest, A Father Burden Quest, Against the spider Cult Quest

1. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Bug

2. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Ferumbras%27_Ascension_Quest#Pumin_-_Tarbaz.27s_Seal

3. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Spider_Web
