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by (15 points)
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I want to be able to do ALL the imbuements. What are the quests/bosses I must complete to be able to do so?

1 Answer

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by (1,389 points)
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There are two ways to obtain Powerful Imbuements. First is completing Forgotten Knowledge Quest, where you can gain all possible imbuements and second is completing Heart of Destruction Quest, which awards us with 3 imbuements. 


Energy Portal - Lloyd - Powerful Cloud Fabric (energy protection), Powerful Electrify (energy damage) and Powerful Swiftness (speed boost).

Death Portal - Lady Tenebris - Powerful Lich Shroud (death protection), Powerful Reap (death damage) and Powerful Vampirism (life leech).

Ice Portal Melting Frozen Horror - Powerful Quara Scale (ice protection), Powerful Frost (ice damage) and Powerful Blockade (shielding skillboost).

Earth PortalThe Enraged Thorn Knight - Powerful Snake Skin (earth protection), Powerful Venom (earth damage), Powerful Slash (sword skillboost), Powerful Chop (axe skillboost) and Powerful Bash (club skillboost).

Fire PortalSoul of Dragonking Zyrtarch - Powerful Dragon Hide (fire protection), Powerful Scorch (fire damage) and Powerful Void (mana leech).

Holy Portal The Time Guardian - Powerful Demon Presence (holy protection) and Powerful Precision (distance skill boost).

Final Fight - The Last Lore Keeper - Powerful Strike (critical hit)


Final Boss - World Devourer - Powerful Strike (critical hit), Powerful Void (mana leech) and Powerful Vampirism (life leech)

+++ edit


Once you defeated The Baron From Below, The Count of the Core, The Duke Of The Depths, and destroyed their lava pumps you will automatically gain access to the Powerful Featherweight imbuement.

You forgot the Powerful Featherweight Imbuement:
Once you defeated The Baron From Below, The Count of the Core, The Duke Of The Depths, and destroyed their lava pumps you will automatically gain access to the Powerful Featherweight imbuement.
by (934 points)
I have killed World Devourer but not Last Lorekeeper and I have Power Epiphany (Magic level).
Must be from completing Heart of Destruction, right?
by (5,318 points)
Since it is ALL quests; Access quests:
The New Frontier Quest completed up to mission 8 (for access to the Muggy Plains);
The Ice Islands Quest completed up to the The Contactman mission (for access to the Formorgar Mines);