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by (17,406 points)
What guild halls have the most sqms in Tibia? The related question is just about houses, so please exclude those.
related to an answer for: What are the biggest houses on Tibia?

1 Answer

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by (5,689 points)
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Most Guildhouses are really big, it's hard to rank as it is sometimes only 5 sqms apart. The whole list can be found on GuildhallTibiaWiki  and sorted by sqm.

NameTypeSize (sqm)Rent (gp)BedsFloorsRoomsLocationCity
Bronze Brothers BastionGuildhall749500000016419Rathleton, south-west side of Upper RathletonRathleton
Snake TowerGuildhall61650000021731Southeast of Thais, East of Whiteflower TempleThais
Mercenary TowerGuildhall60725000026623Fibula, east part of town.Thais
Ivy CottageGuildhall56350000026413North-west from depot.Liberty Bay
The TreehouseGuildhall5482500002345In the middle of the Tiquanda jungle, northeast of Port Hope.Port Hope
The TibianicGuildhall54050000022412Greenshore, northwest of Thais.Thais
Castle of the White DragonGuildhall518100000019521Center of the CormayaIsland.Cormaya
Sun PalaceGuildhall513500000027316Right across from the Arena and Zoo Quarter, about central eastern side of city.Yalahar
Halls of SerenityGuildhall504500000033529Right across from the Cemetery Quarter in the northern side of Inner City.Yalahar
by (17,406 points)
Exactly what I needed, thank you :)