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by (11 points)
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A friend told me that if I use spear at the time of killing muted tiger it would be more effective than using bolts. What is the impact of using different distance weapons, like spears, stars, bows, crossbows?

3 Answers

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by (524 points)
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In the case of Paladins, there are several adaptations that can be made depending on the difficulty in which the hunt imposes. 

For example, there are some hunts where you have more space to move. On that occasion the best weapon is a bow or crossbow because is hard for monster hit you and you're more chance to hit too.

If you want a slowly creatures like a ogres the better weapon is a crossbow cause the bolts is stronger than arrow in atk.

If you want a stronger creatures like a dragon lords and you need to stay away of the waves this better is a bow+arrows, cause have + sqms distance in atk.

In the case of mutated tigers the better option is a spear+shield, cause in the arena they have a lot of creatures and you cant run. with a shield you have more defense.

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by (4,311 points)
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It might have a high impact but will always depend of which hunt are you doing.

For example, Rp hunting Ghastly Dragons with bow and crossbow. This case I prefer crossbow because you can make spectral bolts every 10minutes. I use 100infernal then 100 spectral. This hunt to kill one by one is better than lure because you can't lure much of them (low respawn, and you probably die). You have to analyse to about imbuements slots, some hunt u need more imbuements than others.

So, changing weapons have a high impact but it will depends which hunt are u doing.
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by (1,534 points)
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every type of weapon at low lvl does a different impact indeed on how to hunt:

- Spears: these used to be the cheapest one, doing the less average damage but last for more time than others, often used on the farest hunt so those hunts could last for more time (mostly u used to bring a bag with some of them for extra time),  this kind of weapon was semi-defensive, u easily could handle a few hits in melee because of shield, but always trying to attack from at least 2sqm  (their hit% as their damage  was poor when attacking from melee, also they break faster), enchanted spears by their side were used by their range and damage because u could easily make them while hunting but fearing the most to get hit (due their mana cost u tried to make them last the longest possible and avoid being hit used to fulfill the task)

-Stars: Those who people used to "fast defensive kills", they are easily breakable no matter what so u just brought them when u knew that u were going to face mobs at melee mostly, they do more average damage but of course are a few more expensive than spears in average. they are good at 2-3 sqm but also deal enough damage at melee (so you could get out alive from a trap), also used to do faster hunts.

-Arrows: the most accurate, u brought this when u were going to face mobs with low hp/low armor so whenever u hit them u will deal a good amount of damage, of course they have their disadvantage, u can't defend urself from melee when using 2h weapons so you were trying to keep a stable distance ( 3-5 sqm) cuz their range and hit% were enough, also as Qeen Arkblion said, when facing mobs that u need to keep your distance for safety the arrows excels.

With the release of Diamond arrows this become the most used kind of weapon to hunt due their aoe damage. 

-bolts: the highest damage dealer, this kind of ammo were brought when u facing heavy enemies, when using them u used to miss more ammo than when using arrows but those who managed to hit were doing higher damage than usual, beside arrows when using bolts u prefer to keep mobs a few more close but always being careful of melee because the lack of defense (shield), 2-4 sqm max to deal the most damage possible 

With the release of Spectrals this excels for bosses and pvp but sadly they lack aoe damage so their effectiveness for hunts at higher lvls is lower.

It is really important to notice that most of those weapons need to be upgraded so you probably could prefer using a kind for most of the time than changing between them, even if that means less damage. either way there are a few "rules" that should be taken into account:

  • Mostly facing melee: Use stars instead of spears
  • Mostly close combat (melee-3sqm): Spears will last more doing the higher damage per cost and giving defensive stats (also are cheaper than others)
  • Mostly combat at "ideal distance" (2-3 sqm): Bolts will deal the greatest damage per hit and will have a decent hit% 
  • Need to be far from mobs: Arrows excel at farest distance.
  • Teamhunt at low level: Burst Arrow do the most average damage due their 3-5 targets damage
  • Often need to face close combat but also trying to hunt from farest distance (changing from floors or so): Enchant Spears excels due the defense of shield
  • Bring a few stars or spears+shield  always to prevent being traped and die.
  • Spears are unworthy after lvl 50, use Assasin stars instead.as defensive weapon.

But this kind of things last very short time now (except for free accounts) and with the release of imbuements most of them are simply skippable 
