+1 vote
by (1,389 points)

Hello, I know that in Adventurer's Guild we can for example retrieve our loot from Bosses, but can somebody advise, what are all the things that we can do in this place?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (117 points)
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Here's a list of all NPCs and interactive objects, along with their purposes:

1st floor,
eastern room
teleportreturns the player to the last visited temple (unless changed by NPC Charos)
1st floor,
eastern room
the world boarddisplays a list of all active mini world changes (e.g. Yasir or missing Noodles)
1st floor,
eastern floor
  • allows the player to change teleporter's destination to other cities (note that you can only do it 6 times in total)
  • grants the Discoverer Outfit and addons to players who fully discovered 10, 15 and 20 regions in Tibia
1st floor,
central room
Jorgesells replicas of fan items for silver raid tokens
1st floor,
western room
Keparoffers banking services
1st floor,
southern terrace
  • sells destruction weapons for 50 gold tokens
  • sells creature items required for strike (critical hit), void (mana leech) and vampirism (life leech) imbuements for 2, 4 or 6 gold tokens (depending on desired imbuement level)
1st floor,
southern terrace
reward shrineallows claiming daily rewards
ground floor,
eastern room
Rotem Valos
  • provides various information for newbies
  • promotes the players
  • starts the Cartography 101 Quest
ground floor,
central room
training dummiesallow offline/online training
ground floor,
western room
reward chestallows retrieving loot from killed bosses
ground floor,
western room
  • sells elemental armors (level 200+) for 100 silver tokens
  • sells magic shield potions for 1 silver token
  • restores rechargeable items (e.g. theurgic amulet) for 2 silver tokens
  • sells addons for the Rift Warrior outfit for 100 silver tokens each (after completing the Ferumbras' Ascension Quest)
ground floor,
western room
Zethrasells basic tools (e.g. backpack, rope, shovel)
ground floor,
magic doorteleports the player to NPC Eclesius (main NPC for The Scatterbrained Sorcerer Quest)
ground floor, outsidesundialdisplays current time in Tibia
by (1,389 points)
Do you have any source for this list?
by (117 points)
The list was made by myself after thoroughly exploring the island, with a bit of fact-checking on TibiaWiki. You can find most of this information there as well.
by (5,801 points)
excellent answer! Upvoted! But what rechargeable items and elemental armors Cledwyn deal with?
by (117 points)
Rechargeable items:
- enchanted pendulet (Arm:2, distance fighting +3, protection physical 5%, energy +18%, 2 hours) for paladins of level 180+
- enchanted sleep shawl (Arm:3, distance fighting +3, protection physical 7%, earth +24%, 1 hour) for paladins of level 180+
- blister ring (protection fire +6%, 1 hour) for players of level 220+
- enchanted theurgic amulet (Arm:2, magic level +3, protection physical +3%, earth +14%, 2 hours) for sorcerers and druids of level 220+
- ring of souls (protection physical +2%, life drain +10%, 2 hours) for players of level 200+
All these items need to be fully discharged for them to be rechargeable.

As for the armors, there are 20 of them in total (5 for each fighting skill multiplied by 4 elements), all for players of level 200+:
- X-heart cuirass (Arm:18, sword fighting +4, protection X +8%, Y -8%) for knights
- X-heart hauberk (Arm:18, axe fighting +4, protection X +8%, Y -8%) for knights
- X-heart platemail (Arm:18, club fighting +4, protection X +8%, Y -8%) for knights
- X-mind raiment (Arm:15, magic level +4, protection X +8%, Y -8%) for sorcerers and druids
- X-soul tabard (Arm:18, distance fighting +4, protection X +8%, Y -8%) for paladins
X and Y are the usual 4 combinations of strengths and weaknesses: +earth -fire, +fire -ice, +ice -energy, +energy -earth.

I decided against including this in the main answer as it would unnecessarily bloat it (at least in my opinion). However, I found a previously missed piece of information for Cledwyn (most likely due to not having done the quest myself) which I did include.