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by (284 points)
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The bosses respawn with server save or they do random along the whole day? I'd like to hunt some and I do not know how check on them.
closed as a duplicate of: Do the bosses spawn at any time or only during server save?
The same question has already been asked before. In order to keep the TibiaQA question base clean, we marked this question as a duplicate and closed it to any new answers. This does not mean the question was wrong - we are just making it easier for future users to find the answers they need by linking the duplicated question.

2 Answers

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by (1,389 points)
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Bosses respawn is random during the day. I can recommend you to check the site https://www.tibiabosses.com/ where you can select your server and see approximate time of respawn of certain bosses. All you need to do is to check them regurarly/wait for white announcement on the screen and with some luck kill the boss.
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by (6,736 points)
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Best answer
Generally I would say that the time of bosses spawn is random. They not appear only after ss, they not appear on any specific time during the day, BUT! I noticed that quite often I meet bosses some time after reset floor. I don't suggest you to check bosses during floor resets, because it might be a bit misleading, but it's worth to know about it!

In my opinion there is no better way to be a good bosshunter, than have a lot of free time to make boss-checks. Just check them as often as possible and finally you'll find some of them.
asked Jan 4, 2021 by (1,389 points)
closed Jan 4, 2021 by
How often there is a floor reset in Tibia?