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by (44 points)
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To those of you who completed yeti bestiary. How long did finding it take? Did you do it solo, or with other players?
by (2,564 points)
Even though there might not be a definitive answer to this question, the question itself seems valid. It is the answer that should explain that in case of Yetis this time is very unpredictable because of it spawn. If anyone wishes to continue discussing whether this question is valid, please start a topic on Meta :)
by (45 points)
Your best bet is to put a char on Folda and just check every hour whenever it's due to spawn. As it gets closer to its last few days of spawning I'd increase the checking. That's how I did mine.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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With a lot of luck you are able to complete this bestiary in 1 day (during April, when we can meet yetis on Chyllfroest), but for most of players who don't have friends checking yetis often, who used to play on a crowded servers or simply most of their time spend in work it is impossible to complete this bestiary solo. On my server most of players who have done this bestiary, made it thanks to others, who decided to help.

As you can see... trying to determine average time necessary to complete it is impossible.

by (2,564 points)
I wonder... why during April?
by (6,736 points)
It's because we have an additional opportunity to meet yetis on Chyllfroest, which is open for players between 1 April and 1 May. I added this info to my answer :)
by (4,161 points)
You are right, I also play on a populated server and solo it is hard to meet Yeti if a lot of low level characters are simply logged out at this point. But I have great friends who regularly check Yeti and Midnight Panthers, when they meet them, they tell everyone who needs to unlock the bestiary :)
If you are lucky, you can unlock them in a month :)