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On Tibia Wiki it says that when Overhunting World Change is active, you can find Starving Wolves which can be captured by luring to Magic Wolf traps. When you have caught a Captured Wolf return it to BenevolaTrapping them allows the deer population to grow again by the next day. You can also kill wolves, but this is 10 times less effective than trapping them.

How many of Captured Wolf do I need to bring to Benevola for the White Deer to spawn on the next Server Save?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,389 points)
Best answer
Hi, You need to trap 50 Starving Wolves or kill 500 of them.

Source: https://tibiopedia.pl/quests/Overhunting_World_Change
by (1,534 points)
counts if done through different days or must be done in a single day?
by (452 points)
It must be done in a single day, otherwise server save will reset the count.