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by (1,452 points)
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I need to finish the Rotworm bestiary and today Kazordoon is boosted. So I need to find the best place in Kazordoon that has Rotworms. The reason I'm asking this is for a contest.
by (5,730 points)
I just remember one place and it just have a couple monster IMO even boosted you should go other places like LB / Darashia / Edron.
by (5,523 points)
I agree. LB rotworm cave would probably be the best. But any of these areas would be better than kaz as far as I can remember. Even with kaz being boosted.
by (1,452 points)
thank you for you comments i will do it but to chose best answer i need an answer to this question, whether or not is the best place to hunt them. but will upvote you two for helping me anyway

1 Answer

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by (41 points)
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Best answer

New here but I'll do my best!

Went exploring some caves today and found out that this place was the best.

You read: Deeper Mines 

Authorised Personnel only!

You'll find 20-23 rotworms 3 floors below and a sign that reads:


There's also 2 Dwarven pickaxes that I found on this floor (daily respawn), and several Dwarfs/Dwarf Soldiers which is a bonus for other bestiary and makes you save time while you will have all of them done when you're done with rotworms. If you overkill the spawn, you can go down a few floors and you'll find Dwarf Guards/Carrion Worms to add a few in you're bestiary as well.

Linking this too, if someone wants the map for the place.

Scroll down to "Through Kazordoon" and click browse map under the minimap


by (1,452 points)
i will go later and confirm it and then mark it as correct