+1 vote
by (17,440 points)

In the Tibia Store, you can purchase a Vengothic bed for 180 TC. My question is, what does it look like when used? It's shaped like a coffin so I'm assuming it closes or does it stay open like the picture?

by (5,699 points)
you can see it on store "advert" :)
by (17,440 points)
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Can you post a picture, please?
by (5,730 points)
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I didn't find it.
EDIT: I found it nvm.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1,393 points)
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Best answer


Below is the picture of Vengothic bed while used. I think it looks pretty nice!

All credits go to: https://tibiahome.com/nova-decoracao-na-store/


by (934 points)
Sick house! So dope
by (5,730 points)