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by (1,417 points)
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I need to do bestiary and today's creature is Deer but I wonder if Edron is the place with the most of them? Or what's the best location? The reason I ask is this is for a contest.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Best answer
I believe the best place is at Bounac, at least I finish my bestiary there and was really fast, but idk if the location with help you for what are you looking for.
by (1,417 points)
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I mark it best answer because I have been all day trying different spots and this was indeed and without a doubt the best place to do bestiary. Combined with Edron, other contestants in the bestiary contest also used this place due that it does have a lot deer with unique respawning spots. I even discover that the deer that respawn in Bounac have a different respawn method than the ones on Edron but that's an story for another day
by (17,404 points)
awesome, well that's good to hear and i would like to know what the different respawn method is. +1 for oriibsz and you.
by (1,417 points)
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I wish TibiaQA had a private message system. Leaving another comment not related to the question seem off to me but I will explain my theory. During the day I have been killing deer all over Tibia to find which one would be the best to get more kills of deer in 1 hour. In Edron the deer respawn all in the same spot as long as the last one that spawn there is dead, otherwise if its still alive, it will respawn on another place reaching a maximum of deer alive. One spot had a max of 2 deer, another had up to 4-5. If you kill all deer and leave a fire bomb they will all spawn in the same spot and die without problem but if you try to trap them with parcel as I did you will need a big ass cage of parcel in order to trap them since they will change their spawn location. I used over 700 parcels to trap them all and still some were respawning outside of it. On the other hand on Bounac this doesn't happen. The spawn of deer is unique but limited to one deer. Meaning that if you put parcel on them they will stay deer and no other will respawn on other spot on the Bounac island but this is only a theory for now. I spent over 4 hours on Edron/Bounac trying to get the most kills for the contest. I though on why this was happening. I assume it is because Bounac is one of the most recent places created and Edron is one of the oldest. I guess tibia spawn programing changed between the years