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I was wondering if some rewards from the Orcsoberfest for example- Furnitures- are Character Bond?

1 Answer

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by (17,425 points)
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Best answer

The items that are character-bound are all the furniture rewards from Orcsoberfest and of course obviously the mounts. The festive points also cannot be transferred to other players but do a rollover to future events if you don't end up using them.

About the furniture, your even reminded this by NPC Xaver when asking him "furniture"

"19:08 Xaver: For a humble offer of festive points I will hand over a selection of traditional furniture. Please note, that these items will be put into your store inbox! Which colour do you prefer: red, green or blue?"

Then when you tell him what color you want he will say the following items-

"19:10 Xaver: And which furniture? A chair (1500 FP), table (2500 FP), rack (1800 FP), candelabra (2000 FP) or wall hangings (1200 FP)? ...
19:10 Xaver: In addition to this I also offer a decorative barrel. It is not coloured but a real bargain for 1300 festive points!"

1300 points




Source of images and more details on the rewards- What rewards can I gain for festive points?

by (5,327 points)
You lost green Candelabra ;)