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by (7,037 points)
There is another way (Not walking) to enter or exit of Rascacoon?

Some ship or teleport to enter or exit to the island?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Hello Trululu!

Yes, there is a "shortcut" that you can use once you enter the island for the first time, where you can get in and out without having to walk all the way back.

The location is here:


The first time you visit Rascacoon you will have to walk though the Pirats and Exotics creatures, but once you arrive the isle you have to walk to the hamser (as the pic shows below), once you click you will gain the shortcut ( it will transport you to Venore, next to Eustacio).

 To came back again to Rascacoon the only thing you have to do is talk with Eustacio and say: Hi - Shortcut, and he will leave you at same place next to the hamser. And to leave you have to click the hawser.

I hope I explained myself well, any doubt don't afraid to ask me.
