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Spell for Magic Shield has been recently reworked and now it can be broken after certain damaged received by caster. It is now calculated as per below:

  • The amount is based on the caster's level and magic level.

What is the formula for the above?

by (5,730 points)
Heya! I closed your question because is the same as mine. Let me know if you considerer I'm wrong so I can fix it.
by (2,564 points)
I think this question is more specific than yours, Oriibsz (https://www.tibiaqa.com/20726/how-does-the-magic-shield-work-after-vocation-adjustments). Yours seem to be asking about all of the changes in general, this one asks about the specific formula.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,523 points)
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Best answer
According to TibiaWiki the formula is Magic Shield = (Level * 7.6) + (Magic Level * 7) + 300

Also, just a note that the magic level does include any current bonuses you have from equipment or drinking potions.

CIP updated this formula to help lower levels with a larger mana shield with the flat +300 base. This means the 300 mana bonus will make a much larger difference for lower levels. For example that 300 mana bonus will give a level 50 with magic level 50 approximately a 40% increase to their magic shield. Where if you were to take a level 200 with magic level 50 the 300 shield bonus is approximately 15%. The higher level a character the less impact that extra 300 mana will have.

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Magic_Shield
by (5,730 points)
I will reserve my comments :-)  Dear Princeps Mathematicorum.
Don’t reserve the comments Oriibsz- you asked the question because you were not comfortable with the form of explanation - it is completely fine and normal. And it only helps to understand deeper observations of how it interact within game- which makes it constructive question making some more insight :-)
by (5,523 points)
It has been added :)