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by (1,389 points)
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Can somebody advise what would be the best place to hunt for EK 337 (105/103) + ED 345 (mlvl 126) + MS 245 (mlvl 90)?

Please give examples of best places for:

1. Experience

2. Profit

3. Both exp and profit

Currently we are hunting on Burster Spectres where we've got max 5,8kk/h (stamina + exp boost + 40% exp prey)
by (1,389 points)
I edited my question. In last sentence by mistake I wrote Gazer spectres. But we are hunting on bursters

1 Answer

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by (934 points)
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Buried Cathedral - All three kinds of Spectres. Need to get access in Dream Courts quest and complete Threatened Dreams quest.

Catacombs (Oramond Dungeon) - You each need to gain 50 voting points in Rathleton Quest to gain Access.

Deathlings in Port Hope/Gray Island - People generally prefer duo there but the MS can definitely come along.

Burster Spectres - Same as above, duo is standard but the MS can join. MIGHT overkill a bit, but not neccessarily. If you do, take the whole route to the bottom of the spawn.

Roshamuul Prison - If you can bring along an RP. It is possible hunting there just you three, but it's much better double boxing with an RP.

by (1,389 points)
Are you able to tell what would be exp/h at these places? Without bursters - we’ve got there 5,8kk