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by (934 points)
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Can writing offensive statements in Test Server get you banned in real Tibia?

Like for example writing something really offensive in Help Chat.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (11 points)
Yes, all Tibia rules applies to all it's servers, including the Test Servers. You can get banned if you break the rules there too.
by (2,564 points)
Was this confirmed somewhere? Preferably by a Cip employee
by (11 points)
It's written on the Extended Service Agreement: "6. Exclusion from the Game
Users are required to act in accordance to the game rules ("Tibia Rules") whenever they enter the game or the website of Tibia. The Tibia Rules are announced on the website of Tibia. CipSoft GmbH reserves the right to temporary or permanently discontinue the game service for users if they violate one or more of the game rules. The Tibia Rules may be changed by CipSoft GmbH at any time."

The Test Server is part of the game, so all the rules are applied to it too.
by (17,406 points)
I wonder if the report system is different there. Like are you still able to report insults? Your comment makes sense though.
I know of 2-3 accounts banned due to their behavior on TS. They pked everyone leaving edron and ended up with destructive behavior bans on the real server. To be fair this was before auto ban or black skulls existed and i have nothing to support my claim.
Not to mention a bit outdated :\
0 votes

Yes. CipSoft clearly states in their rules that it applies to ALL of their services. 

“Tibia is an online role-playing game in which thousands of players from all over the world meet everyday. In order to ensure that the game is fun for everyone, CipSoft expects all players to behave in a reasonable and respectful manner.

CipSoft reserves the right to stop destructive behaviour in the game, on the official website or in any other part of CipSoft's services. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the following offences: (...)”

Source: Tibia.com. -Rules
