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by (299 points)
What store item/benefit is really good to have when I get to the more higher lvls?

Is there any items/benefits that is better for certain vocs?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
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1) Excercise Dummy

I think that absolutely must-have is Excercise Dummy (Ferumbras/Monk/Demon) . I can't even imagine double exp/skill weekends without this thing in my house.


It is 10% more efficient than regular Exercise Dummies.

More detailed comparision to the regular dummy you can find here:


2) XP Boost

Oh it is absolutely must-have for people who want to level fast. I'm aware that there is a lot of players who don't like this "rat race" and prefer rpg way of playing Tibia, but there is also a lot of players (maybe even more) who like spending their time on hunting with friends. Tibia has changed a lot during recent years, level becomes more and more important so yeah, in my opinion XP Boosts nowadays are really useful to achieve our goals.

3) Prey Slots

Second thing, which is very, very useful, especially when you used to hunt (and I think that most of players used to hunt in Tibia) is third prey slot.

If you are interested in daily completing Prey Hunting Tasks, you should buy third slot as well. But note, that if you don't care, then it is useless.

Okay, so I presented my top 3, but there are also things that are worth to mention:

Charm expansion - useful especially on high levels

Gold Pouch - useful for EK during Library hunts

Hireling -  we could think that it seems to be useful, but imho it's not as necessary... it depends on a server, but sometimes people buy these hirelings with a "shop option" and make them open for everybody, so you can use their hirelings. However in my opinion as long as there is Rathleton with a nice connection with other cities, where you can buy literally everything, it is not a must-have.

Hireling with dishes? I remember that 1 guy who got it said its a waste of money. And he was the only person who decided to buy it I ever met :P

To sum up hirelings - they are useful, sure, but also way too expensive what makes them not worth to put in my top 3.

by (299 points)
EXP boost sounds really good. I had no idea it was even possible to buy that! :o :D
+1 vote
by (1,283 points)

There is no specific item, I believe that these responses would be something particular and the player's need.

I particularly benefit from the other items in the store:

 Ferumbras Exercise Dummy

Can be purchased through the Store. They are used in conjunction with an Exercise Weapon to complement training.

Because it is a paid Dummy, it has an efficiency bonus 10% higher in training skills than comparing training with a free Exercise Dummy, as a disadvantage can only be used by one player at a time.

Class: Statues - Attributes: "use" can be given. 

900 Tibia Coin Icon.gif Tibia Coins.  

 Hirelings are private NPCs used in Houses or Guildhalls. They were announced on January 8, 2019 through the official website and later added to the game on January 15, 2019, in patch 12.05.

The initial Hireling or Apprentice costs 150 Tibia Coins and it is possible to have up to 10 of them in a home. You can define the name and gender of Hireling at the time of purchase, however it is possible to pay to change them in the future (the same price you pay for characters). Unlike the names of the characters, the names for Hirelings are not unique, making it possible to name more than one Hireling with the same name.

When purchasing a Hireling (Apprentice), a Hireling Lamp will be added to your Store Inbox. Using the lamp inside your home will make your Hireling appear exactly in the square you are positioned on.

After purchasing Hireling (Apprentice), it is possible to make them learn new skills through the Store. When you buy a skill, it will have an effect on all of your Hirelings.

Apprentice Sells basic home decor items. 150 Tibia Coin Icon.gif

Banker Does the same services as a Banker NPC. 250 Tibia Coin Icon.gif

Cooking Cooks some special foods, similar to those of the Hot Cuisine Quest. 900 Tibia Coin Icon.gif

Steward gives you access to your Supply Stash. 250 Tibia Coin Icon.gif

Trader Sells several items, including all Runes and Potions. 250 Tibia Coin Icon.gif

As I understand it, your question would be about items related to the STORE that, in turn, buys through TC. If so, here is my answer.

These items are useful from the low level to the high level so they never lose their usefulness.



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