+2 votes
by (2,564 points)
Blessings are located in various places in Tibia. Where exactly are the NPCs who sell them?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (2,564 points)
Best answer
BlessingNPC and location (with link to Mapper)
Spiritual ShieldingNPC Norf South of Thais
The Embrace of TibiaNPC Humphrey North of Carlin
The Fire of the SunsNPC Edala South of Ab'Dendriel
The Spark of the PhoenixKazordoon (NPC Kawill and NPC Pydar)
The Wisdom of SolitudeNPC Eremo Eremo's Island (reachable from Cormaya)
Blood of the MountainNPC Kais Northern Tiquanda
Heart of the MountainNPC Nomad Hrodmir (south of Bittermor)
Blessing of the InquisitionNPC Henricus Thais Jail
by (86 points)
Don't forget the "twist of fate" to protect your other blessings. This one can be bought from any temple NPC.