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by (1,274 points)


How many characters can be written in these books and documents? Is there a character limit?

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by (5,730 points)
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Hello Jad!

I did a research of the writable items available on Tibia, and this is what I found:

Yes, all writeable items have a different limit of character length, I leave you a list with the details:

Scroll - Character Length: 511. Once you write you can enter new text.

 Valentine's Card - Character Length: 1023. Once written in, it cannot be modified again.

 Parchment - Character Length: 1023. Once written in, it cannot be modified again.

 Parchment (Yellow) - Character Length: 1023. Once written in, it cannot be modified again.

Document - Character Length: 1023. Once written in, it cannot be modified again.

 Book - Character Length: 1023. Once written in, it cannot be modified again.

 Book - Character Length: 1023. Once written in, it cannot be modified again.

 Book - Character Length: 1023. Once written in, it cannot be modified again.

 Labels: Character Length: 79. Labels can be reused and be modified again.

 Letter: Character Length: 1999. Can be reused and be modified again.

by (5,523 points)
Just fixed broken image links!