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by (1,274 points)
Is it possible to open all Rookgaard doors? is there a secret place that few players can reach the island? if anyone knows send a photo.

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by (1,467 points)
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The answer is an obvious no to who ever played on Rookgaard. Some door just don't have a key to open them. Only the key 0000 would work but that doesn't work since it was turn to wooden long time ago. Not all the door in tibia are made to be opened. I cant think of a place without a door that can't be opened hope that answer you question. As for the secret place I would have to say in Rookgaard there are many unsolved mysteries like the maze of fury or the way to the "fury sword" (spike sword in Rookgaard)
Here is a video that most people consider fake but is supposed to be a way to get to the maze of fury "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1cfFdnVIYw"