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by (2,865 points)
I want to rush my ED to level 50 so I can check determined bosses, but I don't know where I can go. Want to know some ideas of places to rush, with a friend who can block to me and solo.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (287 points)
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8-15 - cyclops - I prefer Venore cause it's just nearby depot/ 2 mapclicks). But many ppl will tell You go to Cyclopolis/Fenrock(or 13 i dont remeber when u will get exori frigo)

Exori Frigo - 30 - stonerefiners - thats the fastest way to get lvl for gfb/ava

30-50 I personaly prefer meriana Gargoyle cave but other options that other players may sugest:

Spike Kazordoon - many more ppl then in meriana gargoyle cave

Tortoise Island after Meriana - need to do acces quest but You can make profit.

Btw. From 45lvl (and good skills + prays - especially for damage) You can start hunting oramond minos and issavi ;) i'm mostly doing it with 2x lvl 3 mana imbuing
+1 vote
by (25 points)

solo: library tomb, ankrahmun. right next to the depot. fast respawn, small area. u can hunt there from lvl 8 until 50 easily. all u need to do is going down through the floors as your level increases. i always hunt there when i leave rookgaard. excellent spot.

with a blocker: focus on creatures whose main attack is physical. from lvl 8 to 30 u can hunt in cyclopolis, orc fortress, kazordoon mines, etc. after that, any respawn with gs or ancient scarab is great. the emptier, the better.
