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by (1,274 points)
When was the city of roshamuul added and how is the history of the labyrinth in roshamuul?
I think i know what you mean by labyrinth (Terrorsleeps) but can you confirm?
by (934 points)
Do you mean Roshamuul Cistern or Roshamuul Prison?

2 Answers

0 votes

It was added in Update 10.03- Teaser regarding it can be found in Here . Answer TBC

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by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

This exact question was answered at my source: News: Ticker Messages June 2015 "Generally speaking, the prison was built by the original inhabitants of Roshamuul as part of their bargaining with demons. More clues are scattered throughout the city and its inhabitants, so keep your eyes open and you might figure out more - look, listen, read and learn. I think it is more rewarding to find additional clues in future updates that might shed a new light on old topics and prove some speculations right and others wrong." -answered by Knightmare, Tibia Game Content Design.

Added on 29/08/2021:

It was built by "Dreamers". It can be read in the following document- https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Dreamers_II_(Book)

"A short while ago, the council was approached with the request that we use the arts of our race to construct something entirely new: a prison made of dreams, using the veils and barriers of other worlds to dampen the power of all creatures, and lock them in and torture them for all eternity. We did not question this request. It was much too tempting to grow even more powerful, and so we consented. "
