+2 votes
by (2,271 points)
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So if you are the one to find Noodles  during the Noodles is Gone mini world change, you have a chance to have the Dog Lady    appear at next SS with a basket of puppies  . My question is...

Who can get that Basket of Puppies?

Is it anyone that happens to pass by the throne room, or is it specific to the one who found Noodles?

Any help much appreciated

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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To get the basket of puppies It's first come first serve, you don't need to participate in the Noodles is Gone mini-world change. Anyone can try to get to the basket of puppies first, there's a small chance. My biggest suggestion, check if Noodles is back at the castle right after server save. Where Noodles usually is will be him and a Dog Lady with sometimes the basket of puppies. I know this answer because I was able to get the puppies on a level 8 before who didn't participate.

by (2,271 points)
Ahh I feared as much. I'm too far over SS at the moment to have much chance of getting the puppies then. Good to know thank you. Ill keep plodding along trying to get more Queen Eloise dolls then till the daylight savings switch