+4 votes
by (5,070 points)

In Tibia there are many types of objects in which objects can be stored, but is there a tree or plant in which things can be stored?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,070 points)
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There is in Femor Hills a tree that can be used as storage, if you browse field you can save items there. 

Also can be used for secret trades between players since almost noone  knows this rare spot.

Exact location:

 Ab'dendriel exitEntry to upper levelWay to the treeExact tree location


When you browse field on the tree:

No more a secret :D
by (5,070 points)
Thats the point of TibiaQA , the knowledge for the people! :D
by (1,141 points)
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It's cool that this curiosity found its way to TibiaQA. :)
It was first published on reddit, about 2 years ago: https://amp.reddit.com/r/TibiaMMO/comments/7m2s3u/til_theres_a_tree_in_femor_hills_that_can_be/
And on TibiaSecrets - nearly 1.5 months ago: https://tibiasecrets.com/explorers-diary-episode-2/

I'm glad that someone reads our articles and helps to spread interesting facts. ;)