+2 votes
Many times when I am going through depot I can see people transformed in other “Shapes” or creatures. What are the items which can change your appearance?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,523 points)
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Items with a Long Duration

imageCostume Bag (Common)
Costume Bag (Uncommon)Costume Bag (Uncommon)
Costume Bag (Deluxe)Costume Bag (Deluxe)
Costume Bag (Retro)Costume Bag (Retro)
Scroll of AscensionScroll of Ascension
Shapeshifter RingShapeshifter Ring

Items with a Short Duration

Chameleon Rune
SnowballSnowball (Must be used on someone else outside of PZ)

Used in a Quest

Marked CrateMarked Crate
Pint of Glooth

There are the items I was able to think of off hand. If there are any I missed let me know!

by (5,318 points)
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Worth to add Transmutor *:-)
by (5,523 points)
Do you mean the Transmutor in Yalahar? If so I don't think that would count as an item.
by (5,318 points)
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Yeah... my autocorrect at its finest../ and true actually it’s a machine