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by (5,730 points)
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Today, a new event of Double XP/SKILL has started, so as always all the places all fully full, I and my team would like to know all the options available of places we can go to make a decent XP.

So please If you can list all the places we can go and check will be really appreciated. The more options the better.

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-Fire Section - Fire

- Ice Section- Ice

- Energy Library- Energy

Buried Cathedral - Cathedral

True Asuras: T Asuras

Prison - 3 - Prison

Lost Souls Venore- Lost Souls 1 ; Lost Souls 2

Feru Seal - Feru Seal

Issavi Doors/Crypt - Issavi Doors ; Issavi Crypt

Issavi Sewers- Issavi Sewers

Catacombs -Catacombs

In fact you can go for most of the places which you were going so far- however to increase the HP,  you have to double, triple box:) 

by (5,730 points)
Hey, thanks in advance. What about the new places from the Summer Update?