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by (5,523 points)
I was wondering if information was ever provided by CIP or if it was ever determined the chance to mount each creature? Some creatures seem really easy to tame with the chance of an item breaking (Panda, Terror Bird, War Bear, etc) while others seem to take many tries with the item not breaking (Hibernal Moth, Lacewing Moth, Stone Rhino, etc). Are there certain creatures that have a certain chance to mount? eg 50% mount chance, 10% chance, 1% chance?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (198 points)
I remember they posted something about that in a test server

10% chance to tame

5% to break item

35% to fail but you can try one more time

50% the monster run away

That should work as a baseline but i'm not 100% sure all mounts have the same percentages, might be anecdotal evidence but i have a way harder time taming some.
by (4,311 points)
Can you search at the news archive to confirm it? Sounds interesting