+2 votes
by (5,730 points)
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As a main question, I want to know how to determine the price of the character. What are the "things" that we have to consider to set a price?

Do the quest, addons, outfits, access of places increase the price?

Thanks in advance.

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (332 points)

The main features the people might be interesed in are:

  • Level
  • Skills
  • Store Items (Dummy, 3rd Prey, Gold Pouch) The aesthetic ones are not that important to many people.
  • Quest Access (This one is a double edge since some want em done and some want to do them by themselves).
  • Transfer Availability
There is not a table to determinate the price of a character but once this Baazar thing settles, there will be some default prices regarding level and skills.
+2 votes

The Main Points are:



After those, how you invested into character which is:

- Items included (bought on the store, or any valuable equipment included with Char)

- Outfits/ Mounts (for example: Feru Hat, Neon Sparkid will change price drastically)

Other Important:

- Quests completed (access to the specific area's/ Bosses)

-  Your Bestiary- Charms unlocked/ Charm points collected 

- Availability for transfer

+1 vote
by (49 points)

There is no an exactly way to determine the price for a character. The brand new feature of Tibia is an auction, that means that you can pick an initial price and this amount can change if more of one person are interested in your chracter, the price can increment.

The cost of one character in game is variable, some characteristic that are looked for another persons are: Level, Skills, Charm rune, Loyalty, Addons, Mounts, Achivement, Rare items.

Hope this help you!
+1 vote
by (1,557 points)
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Best answer

Well, there are many aspects to be considered when you are buying/selling a character. Let's take a look:


  • Type of world:

First thing to determinate the character price is the server where this character is located. Same character will have different prices according to the server type. Characters at PvP worlds have a bigger price that at Non PvP, if they are at green world even more expensive.

  • Vocation and  level/skills

Second point is about the vocation and your level and skills, how bigger they are more expensive the character will cost.

  • Hat and Golden Outfit (full)

If the character own these outfits, the price increase substantially


  • Charms - Think biggest part of Tibians do not like to do bestiary, so a character with a lot of charms opened will have a plus
  • Outfits/mounts - (in general Hat and Golden Outfit is what the buyers look for, but a big list of outfits and mount will increase the value too)
  • Quests - A character with  NO full access might have a depreciation
  • Store Items - All investment done at the store might be used to raise the character price
