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Which of these helmets will be better for hunting roshamuul west?

You see a lion spangenhelm (Arm:7, distance fighting +2, protection physical +3%, earth +5%).

You see a falcon coif (Arm:10, distance fighting +2, shielding +2, protection physical +3%, fire +10%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).

2 Answers

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by (1,181 points)
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If is only for roshamul the price of spangehelm is around 1/3 of coif so is better to use spangehelmet. The only difference between the 2 in roshamul is you can imbue the coif with magic lvl. I personally prefer to use distance in paladin helmets some people prefer to use magic lvl but doesn't change much. If you don't have either I would buy the spangehelm. If you already have coif it isn't worth buying it just to hunt rosha
you can imbue spangehelm with ml too
by (1,181 points)
it is just 1 ml coif is 2
No, you can imbue spangenhelm with t2 so its 2 ml
You see a lion spangenhelm (Arm:7, distance fighting +2, protection physical +3%, earth +5%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 230 or higher.
It weighs 30.00 oz.
This helmet can be imbued with Basic and Intricate Epiphany (Magic Level bonus), but not with Powerful Epiphany.
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by (1,534 points)

Short answer: It's not worth upgrading the Falcon's Coif as it's slightly better than the Lion's Spangenhelm, the difference is simply small, so if you can avoid buying this upgrade until it's simply unavoidable.

Reason: As explained in the comments, it is known that the Lion Spangenhelm can be imbued with T2 ML, which was previously only possible with the Falcon's Coif, on the other hand, the extra amount of defense that the F C provides is: +3 arm, +2 shield, +10% fire, since nothing on Roshamuul does fire or earth damage, the elemental damage in there is worthless, leaving it only with extra defense which doesn't suppose a huge increase of benefits compared to the cost, average price of LS is 7kk~ while average price of FC is 28kk~ in Seanera, which means 4 times the price just for +3 arm and about 0.024% extra mitigation from shield, which make this upgrade not worth for that specific hunting place.

Source: Tibia Wiki LS FC
