+2 votes
by (112 points)
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I did the whole Lightbearer event, light up all the basins but I do not have a premium account right now. If I go and ask for my present will santa give me the mount even if I can't use it? Or do I need to be premium in order for him to give it to me...
by (112 points)
12:52 Congratulations! You earned the achievement "Luminous Kitty".

You can :D Yaaaay!  Of course you can't use it until you're premy but you can get it.
by (10 points)
I dont remember if free can get
by (7,037 points)
You can get "all" mounts (War Bear, Donkey, War Horse, Water Buffalo, Crystal Wolf) as free, but t use it need pacc.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (160 points)
Yeah you can ask for it but can't use it until you're premmy again
by (7,037 points)
Same as mounts like War Horse or Donkey.
by (10 points)
yeah need to ask in help channel