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by (5,730 points)
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As the topic says, I want to know what are the new monsters available to complete for bestiary, and if it is possible can you please tell us, how many creatures do we have to kill to finish the entry and to which category they belong?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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Best answer

Chicken.gif agrestic chicken  - 5 points -250 kills

Bony Sea Devil.gif Bony sea devil - 100 points- 5000 kills

Brachiodemon.gif Brachiodemon - 100 points - 5000 kills

Branchy Crawler.gif Branchy crawler - 100 points- 5000 kills

Capricious Phantom.gifCapricious Phantom - 100 points - 5000 kills

 Cloak Of Terror.gif Cloak of terror - 100 points - 5000 kills

Courage Leech.gif Courage leech - 100 points - 5000 kills

Distorted Phantom.gif Distorted phantom- 100 points - 5000 kills 

             Druid aparition  -  100 points - 5000 kills

Infernal Demon.gif infernal demon - 100 points 5000 kills 

Infernal Phantom.gif Infernal Phantom 100 points 5000 kills 

Lion archer - 25 points 1000 kills

Lion knight - 25 points 1000 kills

lion warlock - 25 points 1000 kills

Many Faces.gif  many faces - 100 points  5000 kills

Mould Phantom.gif  mould phantom - 100 points 5000 kills

paladin aparition - 100 points 5000 kills

Rotten Golem.gif rotten golem - 100 points 5000 kills

Sorcerer's Apparition.gif sorcerer aparition - 100 points 5000 kills

Turbulent Elemental.gif turbulent elemental - 100 points 5000 kills 

Usurper Archer.gif Usurper archer  -  50 points 2500 kills

Usurper knight - 50 points 2500 kills 

usurper warlock - 50 points 2500 kills 

Vibrant Phantom.gif  vibrant phantom  - 100 points 5000 kills

Werehyaena.gif Werehyaena - 25 points 1000 kills

Werehyaena Shaman.gif werehyaena shaman - 25 points 1000 kills

Werelion.gif werelion  50 points 2500 kills

Werelioness.gif Werelioness 50 points 2500 kills

White Lion.gif white lion 50 points 2500 kills

by (6,736 points)
You can write it manually with dashes or points. I think that link is not the answer :( I would change it, cus you can get downvote, unnecessarily.