+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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In the end of 2016 Cipsoft implemented Death Compensation System due to DDoS attacks.

More info you can find in this news:


In addition, we are working on a feature that will provide you with more information in case of a character death as well. On your account management page you will soon be able to find information if one of your character deaths was counted as...

  • a regular death,
  • a character death with no loss,
  • or a character death with a retroactive compensation.

We hope that we will be able to release this feature in the course of this week.

Because of situation in 2016 when system detected DDos attack and player's death at the same time - he didn't loose experience points nor his skills.

Are there any other situations where player has no consequences for death (because it is compensated by Cipsoft)?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (153 points)
There is no death penalty when a player dies either on the PVP or PVE arenas at different cities.

However, I think your question refers to only compensated deaths. This is pretty much decided by Cipsoft and their metrics on the server before your death. I've had some friends who have died due to kicks or massive lag and received no compensation and also friends (included myself) who had the luck of dying when threre was something not so well at the server, and although these deaths were our faults, we still received compensation as the server recognized it had issues at that exact moment.

As far as I know, there is no compensation when the issue was on your side, like having an energy shutdown or bad internet service.
+1 vote
by (1,557 points)
Basicaly when you die and open an entry asking compensation for it CIP will data from their servers from the period of your death, if they identify that the server was working with some kind of issue they will compensate your death, if not they assume the problem (lag, kick...) was decorrent from you connection and will not compensate your death.