+2 votes
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I mean everyone knows some top guilds in some server ask for a fee to join and be "protected", but I wonder why everyone is fine with this system, I mean, think about it, is it fair for other people? If there is a guild with more than 4000 members to be "protected" that's not fair specially for pvp servers... it almost seems pointless to create a new guild since u will never get a chance to fight back, not only the leaders of those guilds get tons of $$ it also unbalance the entire server since only people with money will join there.
by (1,503 points)
this comment you will not like because is the true, yeah is not fair but its the reality if you dont like it you can always transfer the leaders of those 4000 people had to make a lot of  sacrifices to have that kind of order and benefit thats why powerabuse is no longer a baneable reason, its not fair its not just but it woudnt be fair for them if someone just take all the control they fighted for, acording to tibia there is nothing they can do because they are not breaking any rule (this is only talking about the guild dominating a server the fee to enter a guild is ilegal) and is not that everyone is fine with that system is just that everyone got used to it

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (101 points)

This is a real hard question to answer because when you look under the rules, Rule 2c) Forbidden Advertising that states that the trading of any kind involving the payment of real money is strictly forbidden.  Trading any kind of protection for real-life money would fall under that rule.  However, the second part of your question that involves the trading of tibia coins leaves me stumped.  It does not state that you can't offer tibia coins for those services because, in reality, you can easily transfer tibia coins to gold and vise versa.  

So Real Life cash for an invite to a guild/protection I would have to say a hard no, but for tibia coins/gold, its a grey area that probably would be okay.   The introduction of currency purchased with real-life currency to game currency always blurs the lines of in-game purchases. 

by (1,557 points)
In a short way, for real money it's ilegal, but when you "transform" your real money into TibiaCoins it's ok.
by (1,503 points)
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Its not legal to ask tibia coins for anything like leaving alone someone or getting in a guild or trading for an item mostly because is not a safe trade and cipsoft is against scams. People have been banned for this he just suggest that is hard to answer that question under the statements of tibia but due the fact that tibia has already take actions against people who does this then, yeah, you can assume its illegal. One example, people used to do paid services for quests this is no longer possible since it became somehow against the rules. That's why when someone ask you to pay to join a guild or to pay for maintenance of teamspeak they do not do it in the game because its illegal. If they do then you can report them or maybe they will use other words like gift or something that doesn't say its a payment
by (101 points)
Going to have to ask the reference to that rules, cause tibia coins is easily transferable to gold and vise versa so I cant see how it’s illegal.

Although in my defense, I did say Grey Area. Cause there’s ways around it.
by (17,410 points)
I just came across a recent Reddit post with an official response that sheds light on this if you'd like to include it in your answer that's up to you- https://www.reddit.com/r/TibiaMMO/comments/jjcpq6/cip_openly_said_extortion_is_not_against_their/
0 votes
by (153 points)
Currently, there are no rules against power abusing for players or guilds. The rules indicate that it is forbidden to advertise anything that is offered for real money. As long as the required fee currency is either gold coins or tibia coins, it should not be against the rules.

I guess a lot of people sees as normal this practice nowadays. It isn't that different as paying for a body guard on real life. Also, paying a "membership" either on tibia coins or gold coins to join a guild isn't that different as paying your wholesales memberships on real life. Pretty much you're paying to be part of a group who receives special benefits.

In my opinion, "dominando" guilds have both, good and bad parts. They offer you the ability to buy power, no matter what your level is. If you pay for it, you can rest assured no one will bother you at your spawn. Even if a higher level comes and tries to get you out, you have some sort of protection and power. On the negative side, they may be a headache for those who refuse to accept their terms or become a part of their system. Many players have had to change server to escape from these kind of guilds.

In a nutshell, these guilds are very well oiled machines, and I see it hard for them to get to an end without Cipsoft taking care of it.
0 votes

1. There is no regulations stating it is illegal.

2. You can find servers where you do not have to pay for just playing there. Yes, there are " dominando" guilds over there too, but, they might operate in a different way. For example- they have priority on taking the spawn (they can claim it at any time) etc etc

2. Is it really Player abuse? Very subjective considering:  It is within Guild internal regulations to ask money/services from new incomers or their present guild members. It might be just guild money- for example for those who lost lots of money during the war for the guild, or for char transfer for the words which they are planning to have war  etc; etc. 

From what I noticed- a proper Dominando guild are organised properly and have strict restrictions to their members activity- You must be on Team Speak; You have to have characters above certain level on other servers; you need to have access to certain places. Also- you have to be there when needed - when there is an attack- you leave all behind and go there. By being active, you receive benefits  such as "hunt claims" and some other. They are also punishments if you are not turning up on actions, and members are "kicked" from the guild if they are not behaving accordingly to the guild conduct.  I believe it is completely fair and straight forward- as also great for leaders to keep all in control and in check.

3.. It is your personal opinion that leaders have lots of $$. Even if they do- this is in my opinion reasonable. Have you consider how much time they are spending on calculating lost/ profit of cash& exp from the wars? Have you consider how much time they spend into helping new- members to organise access/ quests etc? How much time they will sacrifice to observe enemy moves? How to resolve conflicts within guild (which will be plenty) as also outside guild? 

I will not mention that they will be always commented on every single "mistake" and laughed at. Most of the people are getting triggered and are not capable to handle even little bit of criticism.

Everyone will have different experience with guilds. Of course there will be also some "lovely" players who will want to earn money by being in Dominando guild. Inevitable. 

Ask yourself question: Are you capable of sponsoring and being in charge/responsible, keep the morale of over than 500 guild members- which almost every second of them thinks he knows better than you?
