+2 votes
by (101 points)
Having not played Tibia since the late 2000s and mainly just dabbling in Elite Knights or Elder Druids I never came across this situation but my question is for the Royal Paladins of the game as to my view have been left behind in terms of smooth hunting.  

As a mage, I can just hotkey my runes/spells to be able to cast them on-demand or target what I am targeting.  Enabling me to hide my backpack of runes and not needing them displayed at all, for the hotkey and game texts tells me how many runes I have left.

As a knight its basically the same story when it comes to mana and health potions, hotkey, and green texts.

Playing my paladin for the first time I am under constant annoyance that my last assassin star breaks or my last arrow gets used up while I am running a creature and I have to stop what I am doing, potentially getting myself hit to reload.  

Is there a faster method to reload your bow than having the backpack of arrows open and click and drag?  I don't know how you guys have gone so long without a quiver or stacking arrows to 1000, but I know with harder creatures the time between running and reloading is becoming more dangerous.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,557 points)
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Best answer

You have two options to reload your arrows without havin to drag the ammunition:

  1. You can use a hotkey
  2. You can use action bars
Both options has the same result in the end, just chose most confortable for you.
NOTE: You can press the Action bar button or the hotkey at any moment and it will refill 100 of your ammunition, you dont have to wait to finish all of them in the slot, the only exception is when you are using Diamond Arrows, because the difference of time between them.
+1 vote
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With updated 12.55 on 23rd November 2020- Quivers were added to the game which allows Paladins to manage their ammunition more efficiently.  Please see below- Source Tibia.com


Our goal was to improve the quality of life when using bows or crossbows. This includes the ease of refilling ammunition as well as granting paladins the same extra inventory slot that the other vocations have.

Paladins can now use a quiver which works like a container for ammunition and is equipped in their shield slot. Ranged attacks with bows and crossbows will now only use ammunition from these containers.

As a result of this change, all other vocations can no longer use bows and crossbows to shoot ammunition.

Both, Quiver and Stars can be set up as a hotkey or action bar for easy reloading/ equip without a need to drag them. 

0 votes
by (1,452 points)
You can put the arrows you are using in a hotkey so you can just press that hotkey and will reload can be arrows, stars, spears etc
by (101 points)
Wait, so if I slide my arrows onto a hot key, it will auto put them into my ammo slot?
by (1,452 points)
yes  it should be like this https://imgur.com/a/y6L1Asp