+2 votes
Let's consider Shlorg as our example. It usually appears between 13 and 28 days. Let's assume that Shlorg spawn and nobody kills him, so it will disappear after some hours. Will the counter be reset or will the boss spawn in a few days more often until someone kills him?
Sorry, but it doesn't answer my question. My question is if the counter will be reset or not after the boss disappear...

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (6,736 points)

In case of missing the boss you need to count these 13 to 28 days starts from the day that boss has appeared and nobody killed him. So yeah, the counter resets.

Let me explain it on POI bosses. Cooldown is between 14-21 days.

As you can see Mr. Punish was missed and we have no idea when he spawned. The first day, when we can start to check him is 14+14=28.


We have to take into account that the boss appeared as early as possible on the first day (when he had status "last seen: 14 days ago") and that the situation will repeat and appear again on the first possible day - 14 days after potential death.

0 votes
by (2,865 points)
The counter will be reseted. The counter means how many days until the boss appear, so if the boss show up and nobody kills him, he will disappear and then you need to wait another X days until the boss appear again.