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by (11 points)
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How often is the world change "Fury Gates" active? I have been waiting for the mini world change for a long and nothing happens. Hope you'll help me.

1 Answer

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by (1,181 points)
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The fury gate is a mini world change that happens randomly, it can even happen more days in a row and in different cities.

(to check if Furyosa is around just see if there is demon around the fury gate)
by (2,564 points)
Thanks for answering! Most of the events and things that happen in Tibia are random. Yet, you can always estimate the probability or frequency of certain things. Getting such an estimate would make the answer better and complete.
by (1,181 points)
I ofteen check it on my server and happened to been open for 3-4 days in row and then not open at all for 1 month plusso quite hard to estimate something, is quite like to try to estimate how much yasir apears dont make any sense.
by (2,564 points)
I disagree. Imagine that someone is asking how often does a Demon drop a "fire axe". Of course, you can say it's random, because sometimes you drop it 3 times in a row and sometimes you go 100 kills without dropping one, and you would be perfectly correct saying it's random. Each time you kill a Demon though, there's a certain chance you will loot a fire axe. So I'm just saying that it's a technically correct, but very generic answer. A great answer would provide a chance of this happening (based on some research/testing/stats) or another formula that is used to determine the frequency. You may also check out a similar question here: https://www.tibiaqa.com/13562/how-often-does-the-lumberjack-mini-world-change-happen