+2 votes
by (2,865 points)
The event starts soon, so where can I farm the items to Bewitched? I'm willing to get 50 of each one

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (746 points)
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I you want to hunt one at a time:

Dry piece of wood - kill Bane bringer underground of Green Claw Swamp

Goblin Ear - kill Goblins on west of Edron

Lump of Dirt - kill Rotworms  in Vandura caves

Spider Fangs - kill spider and tarantulas in spider caves near Port Hope

Bat Wing - kill Bat or Mutated Bat in Yalahar or Vengoth

Centipede Leg - kill centipedes on Tiquanda or Trapwood Dworcs Lair

Marsh Stalker Beak - kill Marsh Stalker in Dryad gardens in cormaya

Scorpion Tail - kill scorpions in Darashia montains (if you are low level) or Plains of Havoc

Lancet - kill blood priest and blood hand in Drefia

Minotaur Horn - kill all types of Minotaurs in Minotaur Pyramid in darashia or Mintwallin under Thais

Small Flask of Eyedrops - kill Bonelords, Elder Bonelords or Gazer in Bonelords' Cave in Fenrock or Vandura

Sulphurous Stone - kill Stone Golen in Stone Golem Cave on Formorgar Glacier or Hrodmir

Tarantula Egg - kill Tarantulas in spider caves near Port Hope

if you want to farm several items together:

In marshland next to Venore you can find Marsh Stalker, Scorpion, Rotworms, Bat

In Plains of Havoc and Dark Cathedral you can find Minotaurs, Bat, Centipede, Scorpion, Bonelord, Stone Golen, Tarantulas, Spiders, Rotworms

Sources: tibiawiki.com.br and tibia.fandom.com

by (1,557 points)
Good research
+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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