+1 vote
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How many graveyards/cemeteries can we find in Tibia and where are they located? Does every City have their graveyard?
by (2,271 points)
Just edited a word in the title and some of the sentence structure

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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Best answer
Carlin north east exit

south west of Carlin (Ghostlands)

north of Thais

Pits of Inferno

Edron graveyard

Fibula ( inside dungeon)

Mount Sternum

Rookgaard graveyard


Plains of Havoc

North Port

Those is the ones I remember
0 votes
by (1,389 points)

Municipal Graveyards:

Non-Municipal Graveyards:

Source: Graveyard | TibiaWiki | Fandom
