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by (2,865 points)
Server resets happens sometimes, but what kind of things lead CipSoft to reset a server? Is it some bugs? Errors?

1 Answer

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by (5,070 points)
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A server reset, or simply reset, is when CipSoft reverts the state of a Game World to an earlier date, usually to the Server Save state of that same day. This is a rare event and usually occurs when the server crashes (due to a bug or a technical issue), making it impossible for it to save the state of the game. On very rare occasions, server resets can also occur due to other causes, such as major bug abuses (e.g. item duplication by several players) or a mass-hacking.

Server resets are usually announced on news tickers. Before news tickers were implemented in January 2007, resets were only announced on Messages of the Day. CipSoft kept using both news tickers and Messages of the Day to announce resets until June 2017 (Update 11.32) when the Message of the Day system was replaced by Random Hints.

Since 2016, CipSoft has been hosting Double Experience and Skill weekends for servers that suffer a reset as a form of compensation.

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Server_Reset
