+3 votes
by (2,271 points)
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As above, was wondering if there's any evidence of the Dryad Raid being affected by the Rapid Respawn weekend? I know they only appear once every fifteen minutes from the first announcement, but the last Raid I hunted they seemed to be popping up even before the 15 minutes was up on spots close to where I had recently killed a Dryad

Any help much appreciated

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (746 points)
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No, they are not affected. I was in a raid killing Dryads  and they spawn each 15 minutes.

In tibia.fandom.com we have a information that Rapid Respawn event does not affect raids.

+1 vote

They are not affected. Please see below:

"Since the usual respawn rate rules still apply, the exact respawn rate will still depend on factors such as the number of online players on a given Game Worlds. The faster respawn only applies to creatures with a monster home (i.e. creatures from Raids such as the Midnight Panther are not affected), but special creatures and bosses (such as the Black KnightPharaohsDeepling BossesFalcon minibosses, etc) are also not affected to avoid spoiling their precious loot."

Source: Tibia Wiki- Rapid Respawn Events
