0 votes
by (17,406 points)
On a fansite contest typically you can win 1st-3rd place, but it depends on fansite and contest of course. Are the badges and medals (for example- Badge of Glory or Royal Medal) from fansite contests determined for winning a certain place? If so, what place equals what badge or medal? I know not all fansites have these items to win at times but please if you could give me a rough idea, thank you.
Out of curiosity- I wonder how many of those you have already? :D
by (17,406 points)
I myself just 2 :P

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

We've got several medals among the fansite's contests rewards:

  • Badge of Glory ,
  • Heavy Medal ,
  • Royal Medal ,
  • Hero's Medal ,
  • Medal of Honour .

All of them are given randomly and it is not determined for winning any particular place, but! List of fansite's contests prizes is divided into 2 categories: items that you can give often and items, that you can give rarely, for example once a year. Since recently when someone asked about new list of the rewards Rejana said it should stay secret, so I think I can not tell which medal has which rarity level, but maybe you guys already noticed ;) In practice it doesn't really matter since the amount of each medal given each year is similar. Even if "medal x" can be given once a year, then if 10 fansites organise a contests, 10 new "medal x" will added to the game.

by (5,689 points)
you forgot about arcane insignia, it's also reward medal! :)
0 votes
by (746 points)
No, there is not a certain place to the prizes. The fansite admins can choose which item they want to give.