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by (2,861 points)
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I like to check some bosses but I don't have much time to spend in bosshunting, so I want to know some easy bosses to find and have some fun

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

By "easy bosses" in case when you don't have time I understand these bosses, which are easy to check, because they are for example close to the city.

My suggestion is to check bosses like:

  • Shlorg/Sir Valorcrest/The Big Bad One (all of them are next to each other),
  • Tyrn (Liberty Bay),
  • Ocyakao, Hirintror (Nibelor),
  • Man In The Cave is also quite close to the Svargrond,
  • The Frog Prince.

Rest of bosses are unfortunately quite far away from cities, so running from boss to boss may take some time :(

To keep your time you can put som noobchars on bosses like:

  • White Pale,
  • Rotworm Queen,
  • rare Orc with Old and Used Backpack,
  • Fermor Hills Orc raid.
