+1 vote
by (5,730 points)

Soon is about to come the new Summer Test Server 2020, and as every year is probably that Cipsoft launch up  a Private Test Server, fact that make me a bit curious to know if the private Test Servers have any difference between the Normal Test Server, someone have any idea, or has been participated in one of the Private Test Servers before?

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (24 points)

Hi there, 

Basically, normal open server is opened for all the tibia's players and the private test server only a few group of player are invited to the test server.

+1 vote
by (1,582 points)

I have been taking part in a private test server for several years (as a longtime player I get an invitation) and did not notice the differences between an open test server and a private one. The only difference is that after opening the server for all players, pvp mode is turned on (private server is nonpvp most of the time) and the last day is an event with a monster attack on cities.
