+4 votes
by (200 points)
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Due to the Sunset of Tournaments, this question is outdated.

I tried searching in store under Tournament and I can't find the papyrus deed anywhere. It's not even in my depot. How do I claim this reward?

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (17,406 points)

To redeem special and unique rewards, log in with the regular character on which you want to receive the reward and open the character section in the Tournament interface to claim it. Claim the reward by pressing the claim button. At the next server start, the reward will be sent to the inbox of that character and not all characters on your account but just that one that you logged on to claim the reward. Typically Tibia and Tournament coins will be automatically assigned to your account but special rewards (like Papyrus Deed) will have to be claimed for one character.

Source- https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5540&fbegind=13&fbeginm=4&fbeginy=2020&fendd=13&fendm=5&fendy=2020&flist=11111111

by (200 points)
thank you so much!!